萨缪尔省(中部), 格纹衬衫)采访了南希·墨菲, 十大网络娱乐平台注册的经济援助顾问, after receiving the first-ever 卡罗琳·科尔迈耶捐赠奖学金. 科尔迈耶通过Zoom宣布了这一消息.
萨缪尔省(中部), 格纹衬衫)采访了南希·墨菲, 十大网络娱乐平台注册的经济援助顾问, after receiving the first-ever 卡罗琳·科尔迈耶捐赠奖学金. 科尔迈耶通过Zoom宣布了这一消息. 照片中还有. 艾米丽Griesch, assistant professor of education; Thomas Reeves '88, director of planned giving; and Dr. 蒂姆·弗雷,教育学院院长.

通常, 设立奖学金是为了纪念, opened by a spouse or a family member to celebrate the life of a Doane graduate they love. But Carolyn Kollmeier ‘74 wanted to go beyond sponsoring a student on their journey to graduation.

在给十大网络娱乐平台注册捐了几十年之后, 她想提供一个导师的机会, to give students access to someone who has been in the field for nearly half a century.

“I hope my scholarship will make it that much easier for the recipient to take full advantage of what the Doane Experience has to offer, 无论是学术上还是社会上, the rewards of which last a lifetime and go beyond anything one can imagine,科尔迈耶说. “I valued my Doane experience enough to consider the college a most worthy charitable organization. It was always in the back of my mind to endow a scholarship, and I wish I’d done it much sooner.”

The 卡罗琳·科尔迈耶捐赠奖学金 will be awarded to a senior majoring in education with an emphasis in English Language Arts. Kollmeier herself completed Doane’s Education-Teacher Certification Program and graduated cum laude with majors in speech communication and theatre. 支持志同道合的学生, and furthering their love for the subjects they’ll teach and lifelong learning, 是为她设立奖学金的重要部分吗.

Cue the first recipient of the scholarship — Samuel Province, a senior from 林肯, Nebraska. 省就读于林肯东南高中, and is completing his degree in education with a secondary endorsement in language arts and minors in leadership and philosophy. He is a member of Doane’s honors program and the Alpha Pi Epsilon fraternity, 活跃于十大网络娱乐平台注册剧院.

萨缪尔省(中部)) holds his certificate as the first-ever recipient of the 卡罗琳·科尔迈耶,1974年 Endowed Scholarship. With him are (L-R) Thomas Reeves '88, director of planned giving; Dr. 艾米丽Griesch, assistant professor of education; Dr. 蒂姆·弗雷,教育学院院长; and Nancy Murphy, financial aid counselor. Kollmeier也加入了Zoom的公告.
萨缪尔省(中部)) holds his certificate as the first-ever recipient of the 卡罗琳·科尔迈耶,1974年 Endowed Scholarship. With him are (L-R) Thomas Reeves '88, director of planned giving; Dr. 艾米丽Griesch, assistant professor of education; Dr. 蒂姆·弗雷,教育学院院长; and Nancy Murphy, financial aid counselor. 科尔迈耶也加入了关于Zoom的声明.

德克萨斯州的居民, Kollmeier joined the scholarship committee via Zoom to see and discuss a list of students who met qualifications.

“Samuel really stood out, and after about an hour’s deliberation, was selected,科尔迈耶说.

Like her, Province is active in organizations and clubs across campus. 他希望毕业后, 他可以回到家乡找一份教演讲的工作, 法医或戏剧.

“我完全接受了大学生活, 经常参加校园活动吗, 结交了很棒的朋友,科尔迈耶说. “我在大学三年里结交的朋友一直持续着, 这么多年来, my close Omega [Psi Theta] sorority sisters and others and I have had our own mini-reunions both on- and off-campus, 或者我在公路旅行中拜访过他们.”

科尔迈耶在十大网络娱乐平台注册的取证中也很活跃, 在70年代早期的剧院和Omega Psi Theta姐妹会. 她从母亲那里得知了这所大学, 1946年毕业, 1969年在芝加哥地区的一次校友聚会上, 她的家人当时住在哪里. 不久之后,她独自参观了校园.

“I had never visited Doane before arriving on my own and being picked up by college officials at the 林肯 airport, 但我立刻就爱上了这个校园,”她说。.

She earned her master’s in speech communication in 1979 from the University of North Texas. 在她的教学生涯中, 她在卡拉威待了四年, Nebraska; six years in Barranquilla, Colombia; seven years in the U.S. Territory of Guam; two years at Creekview High School and 16 years at DeWitt Perry Middle School, 都在达拉斯北部的卡罗顿-农民分局, 德州地区. After retiring in 2018, she continues to serve as a substitute teacher and AP testing coordinator.

Knowing that she’ll eventually phase out of these post-retirement activities as well, Kollmeier said she hopes she can be of service to scholarship recipients to help them become the best they hope to be as each enters the tenuous profession of education. 

“It’s difficult being an educator in today’s world, and there is a shortage of teachers. I trust in Doane’s education program and hope my scholarship will be an additional incentive to encourage new teachers in pursuit of that path,科尔迈耶说.

Funds from the scholarship will help support the remainder of a student’s study at Doane during several masters-level courses required for students completing the undergraduate education program to finish their teacher certification during the summer.

Those courses are a great benefit to students preparing to re-enter the classroom — as the teacher! ——在秋天. 而是因为他们是硕士毕业后开设的课程, they fall outside of typical scholarship opportunities for undergraduates. It’s doable, but can be a strain on students who haven’t yet started their first job.

“这有助于我的内心平静,省说, to know that his summer courses are partially paid for and that he can put funds toward rent and bills after graduation.

他说,获得科尔迈耶奖学金让他感到意外. 他被他的几位教授提名, and received the award in the presence of his classmates and friends after class on Feb. 22. Kollmeier also joined the presentation over Zoom from her home in Texas.

“以这种方式得到认可感觉很好,”省说. “我很感激能得到它.”

And he’s thankful to know that when questions arise at any point during his career, 他可以向科尔迈耶寻求见解和建议. 事实上,他已经联系过她了.

“她已经给我发了一些关于她的教学理念的建议. It feels really good to know that I’ll have a mentor as I begin my teaching career,” he said.

Endowed scholarships are permanently invested and provide a yearly payout for scholarship awards. Anyone can donate to any of Doane's endowed scholarships, at any time and in any amount.

“我希望我所有的Doane朋友, 教育工作者和其他人士, will consider earmarking their annual Doane gift to this scholarship fund. 我们需要用有奉献精神的, 激发了教师, 我知道十大网络娱乐平台注册能做到,科尔迈耶说.

For more information, contact Thomas Reeves '88, director of planned giving, at (电子邮件保护) 或者拨打402-450-0613.