Dr. 希瑟·兰伯特, 心理学教授, works with students in a small lecture hall on Doane's 克里特岛 campus.
Dr. 希瑟·兰伯特, 心理学教授, works with students in a small lecture hall on Doane's 克里特岛 campus. 的 university now offers dual-credit opportunities to students in high school who want to challenge themselves and experience a college-level course while receiving credit toward both their high school and college education.

十大网络娱乐平台注册 launches Dual-Credit program for high school students to jump-start undergraduate degrees

Grant and partnership with 克里特岛公立学校 and Educational Service Units 5 and 6 also covers tuition for future educators to pursue specific dual-credit pathway

高中生 looking to get a head start on their undergraduate degrees can now receive college credit even before stepping on campus through 十大网络娱乐平台注册的双学分项目. 的 courses in the program can apply directly to all of the university’s undergraduate majors and are also transferable to other four-year institutions.

“Today’s high school students are more aware than ever of the costs of getting their four-year degree. 通过提供双学分课程, 我们想帮助他们在未来的道路上走得更远,艾琳·梅说, 十大网络娱乐平台注册开放学习学院的院长, 哪家提供在线课程和证书. “Students who enroll in our dual-credit program will get a cost-effective start to their college education that will also help them prepare for the different challenges of studying and completing college courses at a four-year institution.”

费用仅为每学时75美元, comparable to costs per credit hour at regional community colleges. Available courses will typically be 2-3 credit hours in total, 并将通过多种方式提供-在线, 面对面, or a hybrid of the two depending on student and district demand.

Course offerings will primarily fall into the Doane Core, which are courses focused on foundational areas of knowledge that can be used toward general requirements. 的se may include math, English, science, history and more. 无论学生入读哪个班, they’ll get a taste of the university’s liberal arts approach, which encourages students to think critically and creatively, 有效的沟通和驾驭复杂的话题, skills valuable in pursuing a four-year degree and prized by future employers.

的re are no prerequisites for students to meet before enrolling in dual-credit courses, although it is recommended that students are ready to experience a more rigorous college course. Enrolled students will be able to access resources available to Doane students, 包括辅导和学术建议, 如果有必要的话.

“的re are many great reasons for students to consider adding a dual-credit course to their high school experience. 他们可以在学术上挑战自己, experience a course that may not otherwise be offered at their high school, or reduce the cost for them to attend a four-year institution,梅说. “For some students, it may also be a way to add flexibility to their college schedules. 通过去掉一些核心课程, they may be able to add a second major or minors within four years.”

Educator Pipeline Collaborative (史诗) Dual-Credit Pathway

另外, 通过十大网络娱乐平台注册的合作, 克里特岛公立学校 and Educational Service Units 5 and 6, students within those districts who are interested in becoming educators can receive dual-credit for their degree program at zero cost. 的 教育者管道协作(史诗)途径 是否可供任何学生参加, but students must attend a participating school district to receive the tuition waiver, which is funded by an Educator Shortage Grant received from the Nebraska Department of Education.

“Doane has long had strong partnerships with our regional K-12 districts, and our teacher education program is well-known for its quality. 的 史诗 pathway allows us to grow that collaboration and to provide our local students with an early opportunity to develop their interests in becoming educators,”医生说。. 十大网络娱乐平台注册教育学院院长蒂姆·弗雷说. “在过去的几年里, it’s become clear that Nebraska has a severe shortage of educators, and through the efforts of our faculty and our district partners, this pathway will open doors for today’s students to become great teachers.” 

的 史诗 pathway was created to provide a way for students to explore a teaching career while still in high school. Students who complete the five courses in the pathway will also be able to reduce the cost and time investment required for their degree in Early or Secondary Education at Doane or in other teacher education degree programs.

“我们相信,这种伙伴关系, focused on an innovative approach to the recruitment of new teachers to the education profession, 是否有助于解决当前的教育工作者短缺问题,”医生说。. 布伦达·麦克尼夫,ESU第五管理员. “We look forward to this partnership and are excited to realize the outcomes it will 对学校、社区和内布拉斯加州的未来有何影响.”

Courses in the pathway include an introduction to education, 儿童发展, 教学技术, 特殊教育和实习.

“This regional partnership emphasizes collaboration between the K-12 and university levels to attain the common goal of building our educator workforce. 我们很荣幸能与十大网络娱乐平台注册合作, 克里特岛公立学校和特警队第五分队的同事,”医生说。. 约翰·斯克雷塔,ESU第6管理员.

Students attending high school in these districts are eligible for waived tuition as part of the 史诗 dual-credit pathway:

  • 百年公立学校  
  • 克里特岛公立学校  
  • 多切斯特公立学校  
  • 埃克塞特-米利根公立学校  
  • 菲尔莫尔中央公立学校  
  • 朋友公立学校  
  • 心脏地带社区学校  
  • 马尔科姆公立学校  
  • mcool Junction公立学校 
  • 米尔福德公立学校  
  • 诺里斯公立学校  
  • 苏厄德公立学校  
  • 希克利公立学校  
  • 韦弗利公立学校  
  • 威尔伯-克拉托尼亚公立学校  
  • 约克公立学校  
  • 比阿特丽斯公立学校 
  • 布鲁宁-达文波特联合学区
  • 德什勒公立学校
  • 迪勒奥德尔公立学校
  • 费尔伯里公立学校
  • 弗里曼公立学校
  • 子午线公立学校
  • 南部学区
  • 塞耶中心社区学校
  • 三个县公立学校

高中生, 父母, teachers and administrators can learn more about these programs and apply online at 十大网络娱乐平台注册.edu/dual-credit.