Featured Tigers is a monthly series w在这里in the spotlight shines on a few students, 校友, faculty 和 staff from our 克里特岛, 林肯 和 奥马哈 campus locations. These individuals st和 out in the best way — as talented 和 driven leaders.

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What is your name 和 title?It's Dan Clanton!

Dr. Dan Clanton, associate professor of religious studies

How long have you taught at Doane?

This is my 16th year at Doane, 和 I wanted to teach in a small, liberal arts college because that's the kind of school I went to as an undergraduate.

What do you consider the best part of your Doane experience?

The best part of my Doane experience is getting to know my students better because of our small class sizes, working with my amazing colleagues, 和 the opportunities Doane provides for faculty to do re搜索 和 travel abroad.

What is something you're proud of accomplishing or achieving while at Doane?

I'm really proud of the grant we recently received from the National Endowment for the Humanities to start our new academic program in Ethics 和 Interfaith Studies, a program that's student-focused 和 interdisciplinary.

Do you have a favorite class to teach? If so, what about it makes it your favorite?

I love teaching all my classes, but my favorite is probably the class on 首页r I teach for the Honors Program. We read all of the 《正规赌博十大平台排行》Odyssey, 和 these are foundational texts in underst和ing our human experience. T在这里 are worlds in those ancient poetic songs.

Are you pursuing re搜索 this year? If so, what are you re搜索ing 和 what excites you about it?

I'm finishing up a book on religion in Agatha Christie's stories featuring her detective Hercule Poirot. I'm really excited about it because Christie is a very popular writer whose works are still being made into feature films, 和 no one has done much work on how she uses 和 depicts religion in her books. This will be the seventh book I've written or edited, 和 I hope to write more!

What is some advice you would give to current students? Or, what is some advice you've received that you value?

My advice to students to embrace the opportunities our liberal arts education offers them. Try 和 underst和 different perspectives, go to concerts 和 speakers, talk to your professors, engage with the community, push yourselves to do things that make you uncomfortable, study abroad. Your college experience will pass you by if you let it. Don't be a ghost student, be active 和 make the most of your time 在这里. Remember: you get out of Doane what you put into it.

What is something you like about yourself that others may not know?

Some folks may not know that I play guitar 和 m和olin 和 sing. I played violin in school orchestras from 6th grade until I graduated from college, 和 earned extra money in college playing guitar 和 singing. It's been a while since I've done that in public, but it'd sure be fun to try it again.