Lilly Shatford-Adams poses with her diploma during the afternoon commencement ceremony on May 8, 2022.
Lilly Shatford-Adams poses with her diploma during the afternoon commencement ceremony on May 8, 2022.

我们询问了克里特岛的教员, 林肯 and 奥马哈 to recommend graduating seniors in spring '22 who stood out in their classes. These students — our 有老虎 — are just a few of the many talented and driven leaders from Doane's undergraduate and graduate programs. 查看所有特色老虎 在这里.

让我们开始吧,告诉我们你的名字, 你的家乡, your degree program and some of the activities you participated in at Doane.




在十大网络娱乐平台注册的时候, 莉莉参加了十大网络娱乐平台注册取证, 学生健康行动小组, 健康和医疗职业俱乐部, δ, Doane’s Digital Imaging and Vision Applications in Science (提婆) project, Doane’s 国际 Re搜索 Experience for Students (忿怒), the Iowa Illinois Nebraska STEM Partnership for Innovation in Re搜索 and Education (IINSPIRE) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), served on the Peer Judicial Board and as a Career Peer Mentor, 在服务中心工作

首先,祝贺你! How do you feel as you head into the next phase of your life?

I am really proud of myself for achieving so much 在这里 at Doane in such a short time. 我对我的未来感到非常兴奋和充满希望! Doane has prepared me well as a scholar, scientist, and overall balanced person.


I will be working at a bioinformatics core at the National Institutes of Health. My work will involve implementing and developing bioinformatics analysis tools to facilitate the collaboration between biology and computer science.

How has attending Doane prepared you for your next steps?

Doane's liberal arts model pushed me outside of my comfort zone and taught me how to be a better learner. 在我的顾问的支持下, 我可以选修各种各样的课程, 从哲学问题到近代美国哲学.S. 从计算机网络到细胞生物学的历史. I was able to design an interdisciplinary course of study that combined my personal passions of Biology and Computer Science. My professors became my mentors who through these genuine connections, advocated for and pushed me academically and professionally. The Doane culture is very supportive, involved, and passionate.

What do you consider the best part of your Doane experience?

The best part of my Doane experience was being able to connect with my professors. They were always available for office and advising hours. 他们积极寻求帮助任何和所有的学生. I had multiple classes with the same professors, so they were able to see me grow academically. This truly helped when I started applying for opportunities outside of Doane. Many of the recruiters cited how positive and thorough my recommendation letters were.

What is something you’re proud of achieving or accomplishing while at Doane?

I was really proud of myself for getting accepted into the University of Georgia’s Fungal Genomics and Computational Biology REU (Re搜索 Experience for 本科s) after my sophomore year. 在此期间, I conducted re搜索 to analyze plant roots. I then presented this re搜索 at the 2021 IINSPIRE LSAMP conference and won first place for the re搜索 poster competition.

Who was a major influence for you during your education 在这里, and how have they helped you? 

我的研究指导老师和教授,Dr. 艾琳·道尔对我的影响很大. 我遇到了博士. Doyle during my phage annotation class and really "met" her when I spent six weeks as a Doane 提婆 (Digital Imaging and Visual Applications in Science) Scholar. 在此期间, I was introduced to the field of computational biology and bioinformatics, 这句话真的卡住了. 我喜欢编程, 我喜欢思考复杂的问题, 我想留在自然科学领域. Dr. 道尔本人就是一名计算生物学家, so she is a great person to speak with about my passions and future goals. Her insight into the computational biology field helped guide my degree's direction.

What will you miss the most about being a Doane student? 

我会怀念十大网络娱乐平台注册社区的亲密关系. 尽管没有参加体育运动或姐妹会, I still felt very included in the social scene at Doane. T在这里 was never a day I walked through the Perry building and someone did not say, “嘿,莉莉, 你好吗?"


I would tell students to come in with an open mind and a willingness to try new things. You might come into college thinking you're very inclined towards one interest and then take a course w在这里 you explore an untapped interest. 你可以试着把它们结合起来! You should also try to build your resilience while 在这里 - you have four(ish) years to make mistakes. I think the people who grow the most while in college actually have "failed" the most.

完成一个学位是很难开始的, but especially so in recent years — what has helped you overcome the challenges of the past three semesters?

Being patient with myself and others has helped me overcome challenges. When I've been able to take a step back and reflect, I realign myself. I'm able to think more clearly about who I am, who I want to be, and how to get t在这里. Extending this grace to others has allowed me to be more understanding and grateful of all the small moments.

Finally — what are you most excited about for your future? 

I am excited to enter and collaborate within the global scientific community! 我也为旅行的机会感到非常兴奋!