Dr. 詹妮弗·波萨德 speaks at the front of the 商学院's technology classroom, 位于林肯的弗雷德·布朗中心. 部分关闭的门覆盖了图像的一部分, 而在Bossard的后面是两台大电视, 一个平板电脑和一个附加技术的橱柜.
Dr. 詹妮弗·波萨德, dean of the 商学院 and professor of economics, speaks at the front of a tech classroom located on Doane's 林肯 campus in the Fred Brown Center.

Four programs in 十大网络娱乐平台注册’s 商学院 received initial accreditation in mid-May from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and 项目 (ACBSP), 全球商业教育认证机构. 


  • 会计, which is available in-person for students enrolled on the 克里特岛 or 林肯 campuses
  • 农业综合企业, which is available in-person or online for students enrolled on the 克里特岛 or 林肯 campuses, 或者完全在线
  • 工商管理, which is available in-person or online for students enrolled on the 克里特岛 or 林肯 campuses, 或者完全在线
  • 工商管理硕士, which can be completed fully online or in person at the 林肯 campus 

“We closely referenced ACBSP’s best practices when the 商学院 was founded five years ago, and those best practices are applied to all programs across the board,”医生说。. 詹妮弗·波萨德, dean of the 商学院 and professor of economics. “Seeing four programs receive accreditation this year is affirmation that what we’re doing is working.”

根据ACBSP的网站, “institutions with programs accredited by ACBSP are committed to continuous improvement that ensures their business program will give students the skills employers want.” The emphasis on continuous improvement is one of the reasons Doane chose to pursue accreditation with ACBSP instead of other accrediting bodies for business programs and colleges. 

“Continuous improvement is something we value and encourage,” 波萨德说. “总有更多的东西要学,做得更好.” 

Accreditation brings several benefits to Doane as an institution, and to its students and faculty. Employers are able to tell at a glance that graduates have received a rigorous education and the skills and knowledge needed by contemporary businesses. 为学生, 这有助于Doane在其他机构中脱颖而出, and tuition reimbursement from employers may be more readily available for accredited programs. 

“从教师的角度来看, a major benefit of having accreditation through the ACBSP is the networking opportunities we have with peers. We’re able to see how other faculty and institutions are addressing changes, challenges and opportunities in both higher education and professional business,特蕾西·科尔说, assistant professor of practice and co-chair of Doane’s 会计 Department. 

这些变化, 挑战和机遇包括, 例如, the role of AI in education and in the fields of business, 以及注册会计师考试的变化. 作为ACBSP的成员, Doane faculty aren’t on an island when it comes to creating policies and building curricula around subjects like these, 他们还能够帮助塑造更广泛的对话, 波萨德说.  

Corr has also served one year as treasurer for the ACBSP’s Region 5 Midwestern Council of Business Schools and 项目, 包括爱荷华州的机构, 堪萨斯, 密苏里州, 内布拉斯加州,北达科他州和南达科他州. 区域会议, 将于今年秋天在欧弗兰公园举行, 堪萨斯, 投资回报高, 她说.

“作为一所规模较小的大学, being able to travel by car a few hours to the conference allows us to stay cost-effective and reduce time away from our classrooms, 同时也能听到相关的, thought-provoking speakers and connect with faculty from similar institutions,科尔说。.  

Gabrielle Porter-Loving graduated from the 工商管理 program with an emphasis in marketing from Doane’s 林肯 campus in 2021, 并于2024年5月在十大网络娱乐平台注册获得工商管理硕士学位. She was one of several students who participated in a student panel during the accreditation process and remembers being asked — why did she choose Doane?

“Initially, it was because my sister got her degree here,” Porter-Loving said. “But the people here were the reason I returned for my 工商管理硕士. 即使是最难的课, 比如商法, the professors did a great job of making the information cohesive and understandable, while still providing challenging coursework over just eight weeks.” 

Her courses were split nearly evenly between attending in-person on Doane’s 林肯 campus and online. 在面对面的课堂上,她和同学们走得很近, but also made friendships and learned insights from online classmates overseas. 无论是哪种情态, faculty were very accommodating in providing opportunities to ask questions or get help outside of class time, 伊莎贝拉·查佩尔, 2024 graduate of the 工商管理 program with an emphasis in human resources management, 在她的十大网络娱乐平台注册教育中也受到重视. 

在教室里, my professors created an atmosphere that catered to different learning styles and gave each student both a voice and agency in their learning. 教室外, my professors always had their doors open to be available to students for guidance, 支持和指导,查佩尔说. 

Chappell came to Doane knowing that she wanted to learn in the 商学院, and found through her experiences that the human resources management emphasis fit her passion better than marketing, 她最初注册的是哪个. She was also able to take her classroom knowledge and apply it to real situations through collaborations with businesses in 林肯. 

For more information about Doane’s 商学院 and the accredited programs, visit 十大网络娱乐平台注册.edu.