There’s always a 很多 发生在Doane社区的事情——比通常情况下可以写几篇长文章或电子通讯简介的要多. To catch you up on even more on-campus events, student successes, faculty and staff achievements and alumni accomplishments, 我们每个月都会发布更多的短篇内容,让读者更多地了解Doane 令人惊异的.

Get caught up this month on:

  • Doane is Love week brings attention to all forms of love
  • Doane students, employees celebrate Black 历史 Month
  • Blood drive for Health and Medical Occupations Club beats donation goals
  • 咨询艺术硕士认证持续到2030年
  • Ribbon cutting ceremony marks opening of 新大厅

Doane is Love week brings attention to all forms of love

Three students stand behind a counter, one holding a rainbow Pride flag, 一个拿着同性恋骄傲的旗帜,另一个拿着奶油色的衬衫. 衬衫上印着四根破碎而完整的柱子,围绕着一颗心, under which reads "Doane is Love 2024."
在佩里校园中心举行的友谊手链制作活动中,棱镜成员举起LGBTQIA+骄傲旗帜和Doane is Love t恤.

在情人节前后,人们都在努力庆祝爱情——主要是浪漫的爱情. But during Doane is Love, held this year from Feb. 12-16, 性少数群体个人权利组织(棱镜)与其他校园组织合作举办活动,以认识到爱有多种形式. 

“《正规赌博十大平台排行》是对所有类型的爱以及LGBTQ关系和可见度的庆祝, usually sex is the only thing that is talked about,” said Rowan Jolkowski, 他/他们, 棱镜 president. “我们展示不同类型的爱的目的是告诉十大网络娱乐平台注册的学生,爱不仅仅是性,并在各个方面庆祝爱!”

今年, the group used five Greek forms of love: philia (friend) love, storge (family) love, eros (passionate) love, philautia (self) love and agape (selfless) love. Students had opportunities to make friendship bracelets, join the Alpha Pi Epsilon fraternity for a chosen family potluck, learn about safe sex, “build a boo” with the Student Programming Board (SPB), decorate cookies with the Campus Advocacy, 预防和教育(CAPE)项目并参与同性恋危险游戏. 

这一周的活动以一场变装秀结束,随后是由SPB主办的情人节舞会. See video from events.

Read more about the origins of Doane is Love in our Feb. 2023 article. 


Students, employees celebrate Black 历史 Month

整个2月,Doane的学生和员工从2月11日星期四开始,都穿一身黑. 1 and continuing each Thursday, in recognition of Black 历史 Month. The BlackOUT was coordinated by the Black Student Alliance. 

An image of 30 members of the Doane Track & 在Furhrer球场内的跑道上站着或坐着的三排队员. All 30 students are dressed in black pants and tops.
Members of the Doane Track & Field team gather on the track inside Fuhrer Fieldhouse.
田径总教练Ed Fye与24岁的学生Jas Jackson站在Fuhrer Fieldhouse内.
田径总教练Ed Fye与24岁的学生Jas Jackson站在Fuhrer Fieldhouse内.












A group of employees from the College of Education, Recruitment, IT和战略营销办公室站在十大网络娱乐平台注册林肯校区行政大楼内的十大网络娱乐平台注册标志前.
A group of employees from the College of Education, Recruitment, 技术服务和战略营销办公室位于十大网络娱乐平台注册林肯校区行政大楼内的十大网络娱乐平台注册标志前.
Doane employees from the Academic Success Center, 教务处和教务处在弗雷德·布朗中心外的长凳上排成两排.
Doane employees from the Academic Success Center, 教务处和教务处在弗雷德·布朗中心外的长凳上排成两排.
一群来自Fresh Ideas的员工穿着黑色衣服站在佩里校园中心.
Fresh Ideas团队在佩里校园中心餐厅外合影留念.
五个人站在实验室教室的门口,都穿着黑色的衣服. 中间的学生穿着白色的实验服,双手竖起大拇指.

HMOC Blood Drive beats donation goals

十大网络娱乐平台注册的健康和医疗职业俱乐部(HMOC)通过内布拉斯加州社区血库(NCBB)举行了情人节献血活动。. The drive was held in the lower level of Perry Campus Center, in 克里特岛. 

俱乐部的目标是收集34个全血和4个双红血. By the end of the day, 他们已经完成了41次全血捐献,并从三位献血者那里获得了6个单位的双红血. In total, 19 new donors participated. 

这超过了去年秋天的献血活动,成为至少自2019年9月以来十大网络娱乐平台注册校园最大的献血活动,” said Becca Sprouse, 生物学实践助理教授,HMOC和卫生专业咨询委员会顾问. “我只是对来自校园内外的大量支持感到谦卑. 献血非常重要,因为每隔几秒钟就有人需要献血.” 

所有通过NCBB捐献的血液都留在内布拉斯加州,为医疗机构和有需要的患者提供服务. 下一次献血活动将于4月24日星期三在克里特校区举行. 对捐赠感兴趣的林肯大学的学生和员工 NCBB donor center is located just east of campus at 84th and O Streets. 

Master of Arts in Counseling accreditation continued through 2030

A group of people engage in activities around a small room, 会说话的, drawing and petting a dog laying on the carpet.
2023年12月,学生和教师在上课前放松和聊天, during the program's wellness week. On the wall are group photos of graduates over the years.

十大网络娱乐平台注册的咨询艺术硕士(MAC)计划于2023年秋季提交了临时认证报告,以寻求通过咨询和相关教育计划认证委员会(CACREP)的持续认证。, 国家认可的临床心理健康咨询教育认证机构. In late February, 该项目收到消息称,它将在未来六年内继续获得认证, through 2030. 

MAC项目在两年前首次获得CACREP认证, with accreditation backdated to Jan. 14, 2020. Read more about the program’s journey to accreditation in our March 2022 article

Ribbon cutting ceremony marks opening of 新大厅

A group of people hold a red ribbon, 中间的人拿着一把大剪刀剪丝带. They stand indoors, in front of a wall of windows.
Dr. Roger Hughes, Ph.D. ' 82手持一把巨大的剪刀为庆祝新馆开幕的剪彩仪式做准备. With him are members of the 克里特岛 Chamber of Commerce, the Doane Leadership Team and members of the Doane Board of Trustees, in addition to those who spoke during the event.

On Monday, Feb. 5, 中午时分,大约有100名游客挤进了新宿舍楼的大厅,庆祝新宿舍楼的开放. Speakers at the event included Roger Hughes, Ph.D. ’82, Doane University president; Brian Stutz, director of residential life and education; Doane juniors Rowan Jolkowski and Agdaly Sanchez; 克里特岛 Mayor Dave Bauer; and Jeff Chadwick, director of architecture and senior principal at Clark & Enersen in 林肯. 

“It’s incredible to see this project come to fruition, and to see the excitement as students make the building their home,” Hughes said.

Students were able to move into the residence hall on Tuesday, Jan. 16.

See photos of the building on our Facebook page.