总会有一个 很多 happening in the Doane community — more than typically can fit into a few long articles or enewsletter blurbs. 让你了解更多校园活动, 学生的成功, 教师 和 staff achievements 和 alumni accomplishments, we’re publishing more short-form content each month as a way for readers to see more of what makes Doane 令人惊异的.


  • 三人组 students' educational spring break trip to Disney World
  • The power of vulnerability at 国际 Women's Day Tea Time event
  • 一年一度的午宴向民权领袖致敬 csamar Chávez和Dolores Huerta
  • 希腊生活欢迎新成员加入分会
  • Doane女性激励着下一代女孩

三人组 Students Spend Spring Break at Walt Disney World

三人组 students 和 staff traveled to Disney World in Orl和o, 佛罗里达, over spring break to partake in Disney Imagination Campus workshops. 图片由乔瓦尼·查韦斯提供.

Eighteen 三人组 students 和 two staff members from Doane’s Academic Success Center (ASC) descended onto Walt Disney World for five days of sun 和 educational creativity March 9-13.

The group attended three half-day workshops on leadership, 团队合作, creative design 和 storytelling through Disney Imagination Campus. They had the opportunity to collaborate on 和 present a theme park design (which was approved!)

“The Disney Imagination Campus trip was designed to help students explore 和 improve their leadership 和 communication skills, 拓宽视野, 和, 最重要的是, 对自己有所了解,乔瓦尼·查韦斯说. Chavez is the academic engagement coordinator with ASC 和 was one of the two staff members who attended the trip. 

He said the trip’s immersive opportunities were well-received by the 三人组 students. 三人组 is a federal program that provides academic support for students who are first generation, 低收入或有残疾. 

Annual Luncheon Honors Legacy of Civil Rights Leaders Chávez 和 Huerta

Adan Martinez gives the keynote speech at an annual luncheon
Two-time Doane graduate 和 current master's student Adan Martinez gives the keynote speech at the annual luncheon honoring the legacy of csamar Chávez和Dolores Huerta. Liz McCue摄

The 十大网络娱乐平台注册 Latinx Student Association (DULSA) 和 the Division of 多样性、公平和包容 hosted their annual luncheon honoring csamar Chávez和Dolores Huerta on Tuesday, 3月26日. 

今年的主讲人是 丹·马丁内斯 林肯高中教学协调员. Martinez is a two-time Doane graduate who is currently working toward his Education Specialist degree at Doane, with plans to continue onto a Doctorate of Education. 

Martinez spoke to a packed room about his experiences growing up in 林肯, 和 the turning point he experienced when a high school teacher pushed him to apply for a scholarship 和 attend college. His story has come full circle — Martinez now works at 林肯 High as instructional coordinator 和 has worked in 林肯 Public Schools since 2006. 

“I think one of my greatest takeaways from the luncheon was how important it is to provide everyone a place to share their stories,” 丹尼·阿瓦洛斯他是DULSA的资深总裁. “Having Adan Martinez share his narratives helps break down misconceptions 和 shows that if someone is given the right environment they can thrive.”


A bridge crossing ceremony for new 希腊的生活 members was preluded by an evening of skits from each chapter. Crystal Hollmann摄影.

Doane fraternities 和 sororities officially welcomed new members into their chapters during a bridge crossing event Friday, 3月1日. 

The evening began with group skits at Haddix Gym, an opportunity for each chapter to share their traditions with the larger Greek 和 Doane community 和 alumni. 

Later in the evening, the symbolic bridge crossing took place. Members of the four fraternities 和 four sororities walked their new members across the bridge south of New Hall, 和 officially welcomed them into their chapter 和 希腊的生活 at Doane. 

The celebration concluded a month of rushing 和 a month of member education.

“There is much beauty to be found in fraternity 和 sorority life done right, 和 these students are strengthening my "why" every single day,伊登·迪尔说, assistant director of campus engagement - fraternity 和 sorority life at Doane.

Doane Women Empower Next Generation at 激发女孩 Expo

Sh和i Walnofer leads a session at 激发女孩
Sh和i Walnofer, assistant professor 和 theatre costume specialist at Doane, led a session on discovering personal fashion at the 激发女孩 Expo on March 23, 2024. Liz McCue摄

十大网络娱乐平台注册录取小组的女性, 教师, students 和 staff attended the 激发女孩 Expo 2024 on Saturday, 3月23日,在创新园区. 

The annual event is free for pre-teen 和 teenage girls 和 features booths from local businesses 和 groups 和 workshops on fun, 吸引人的和及时的话题. 

十大网络娱乐平台注册啦啦队的高年级队员 马西埃Sefrit Kiersten安德森 和一年级 正义斯图尔特 欢迎进入会场的与会者. 

The following Doane staff, 教师 和 students led sessions:

  • 詹妮弗·托雷斯, forensics assistant director — using speech interpretation as self-expression
  • Sh和i Walnofer, assistant professor, theatre costume specialist — discovering your personal fashion
  • 瑞秋闪避学术专家——财务技能

初级 约旦Bocock 和高级 彼得森塔莎 -时间管理和目标设定