Reece Zutavern对着麦克风解释他的商业理念, MoniTank, 一个远程系统来检查养牛池. Zutavern presented his idea before a panel of reviewers 对学生们, 工作人员, 教师和社区成员在大创意活动.
Reece Zutavern explains his business idea, MoniTank, 一个远程系统来检查养牛池. 他向评审团作了介绍, 对学生们, 工作人员, faculty and community members who attended The Big Idea event on Wednesday, 11月. 15. Zutavern placed first at the event, netting $3,000 to put toward launching his business.

总会有一个 很多 happening in the Doane community — more than typically can fit into a few long articles or enewsletter blurbs. 让你了解更多校园活动, 学生的成功, 教职工成就和校友成就, we’re publishing more short-form content each month as a way for readers to see more of what makes Doane 令人惊异的.


  • The activities of Doane’s 创业 Department — and the winner of $3000
  • 奖项颁发予 三个 十大网络娱乐平台注册教育校友
  • 十大网络娱乐平台注册表演艺术赢得了更多的声望

Doane invites entrepreneurs to campus, and students to become entrepreneurs

不管你多大, 赢得3美元的机会,000 dedicated to developing your own business is an exciting prospect. That hope is what led to around 40 students — along with faculty, 工作人员, Doane Leadership and community members — crowding into Old Main Bar & 烧烤在克里特岛周三,11月. 15. 

The Big Idea event was hosted by Doane’s 创业 Department and the student-led Opportunities, Wealth and Networking (OWN) organization to foster student innovation through competition. Students were invited to develop and pitch a business idea to a panel of reviewers that included Dr. 珍波萨德, College of Business dean and professor; Derek Bierman, Doane’s chief information officer; 保罗·贾勒特, 布鲁的创始人兼首席执行官 Box; Brian Ardinger, director of innovation at Nelnet; and Dan Hoffman, 投资内布拉斯加州首席执行官. 

“Our goal was to connect with members outside the university and bring valuable information to students,24岁的扎克·佩雷斯说, OWN的总裁兼首席执行官. “However, I did not realize just how much impact this information could have. Students were excited to be able to share their very own business ideas and asked countless questions at our OWN Your Voice Speaker Series.”

保罗·贾勒特, CEO of Bulu, speaks with students inside an Art/Ed classroom.
保罗·贾勒特, 布鲁的创始人兼首席执行官, speaks to a crowd of around 50 students for the OWN Your Voice speaker event on Oct. 26.

同时也是The Big Idea的评论员, 贾勒特是“自己的声音”活动的两位发言人之一, 十月举行. 26. Doane alumnus Matt Fredrick ’97, owner of wealth management firm, the Fredrick Group, also spoke. 

“至于下学期, we will be looking to host another OWN Your Voice Speaker Series, 希望又是一个有趣的社交活动, 旅游的机会, 以及培育商业挑战,佩雷斯说, 与自己的成员合作林肯的业务, Nelnet, 作为挑战的一部分. 

Three students took home funding for their start-up ideas from The Big Idea. 26岁的Reece Zutavern获得了第一名的奖金3美元,000美元, 一个远程系统来检查养牛池 to help ranchers save time and money. 

伊莎贝拉·查佩尔,24岁, Sabrina Renderos-Bonilla ’24 and Sydney Erickson ’24 took second, 和2美元,000, 他们的创意是:KoolGrub, 一款为大学生提供更多食物选择的应用, 与评论, 评级和排序. 科尔·埃塞克斯24队获得第三名, 和1美元,000, 对于PermaLights, exterior holiday or decorative lighting built into the gutters of homes for a one-and-done installation. 

Bulu, Nelnet and Invest Nebraska all sponsored the Big Idea, along with Union Bank & 信任, 克里特岛 Ace硬件, 同分异构的纤维, 依赖交通工具, 健康的运动, the Nebraska Enterprise Fund and Bryan Health 克里特岛 Area Medical Center. 


米尔肯教育家奖s Vice President Stephanie Bishop congratulates Leslie McIntosh and welcomes her to a national network of exceptional K-12 teachers and school leaders. Leslie's commitment to educational excellence extends beyond her classroom walls. She has helped establish a thriving professional learning community at Syracuse Middle School, where positive feedback has led to increased atten跳舞 and engagement within the network of educators.
米尔肯教育家奖s Vice President Stephanie Bishop congratulates Leslie McIntosh and welcomes her to a national network of exceptional K-12 teachers and school leaders. Leslie's commitment to educational excellence extends beyond her classroom walls. She has helped establish a thriving professional learning community at Syracuse Middle School, where positive feedback has led to increased atten跳舞 and engagement within the network of educators. 图片来源:米尔肯家庭基金会

莱斯利·麦金托什(Leslie McIntosh, 18E, 22E)于11月11日(星期二)获得表彰. 21年获得“教学奥斯卡奖”.” The 米尔肯教育家奖s honor early to mid-career educators for their achievements and the promise of what they will accomplish, 根据米尔肯家庭基金会的新闻稿. McIntosh teaches reading and English Language Arts at Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Middle School. She earned her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction in 2018 and Master of Education in Education Leadership in 2022, 都来自Doane. 

阅读更多 about Leslie and see videos of her surprise award presentation in Syracuse.


Alicia Dallman Shoemaker ’16E was recognized as the ACTFL (previously known as the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) National Language Teacher of the Year. 详情请参阅 内布拉斯加州的考官


萧娜·罗斯福,13岁, who teaches physical education at Moore Middle School in 林肯 Public Schools, was named the Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year by the Society of Health & 内布拉斯加州体育教育家协会. The annual award recognizes Nebraska educators and students for outstanding work in adapted physical education, 跳舞, 健康和/或体育.  

Seven Doane Theatre students nominated for Irene Ryan competition

Five actors gather around a table, one standing over the table, clearly distraught. Behind them is a set made to look like the back room of a Hobby Lobby, 把电视放在架子上, 悲伤的塑料植物, 亮蓝色的员工储物柜和一个看起来很狡猾的柳条篮子.
十大网络娱乐平台注册剧院11月演出的《 “光明的新博伊西。." Three of the seven students invited to compete in the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship are pictured: Katie Craig (second from left), 朱尔斯·哈洛(中, 站着)和科迪·李(右).

The Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship competition is held regionally and nationally each year as part of the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF). Seven Doane students have been invited to compete at the Region 5 festival, held in January. 竞争, 学生将准备并表演一段独角戏, 音乐剧中的一幕, 和一个搭档一起看戏. 

樱桃园24岁的Logan Capek和26岁的Ella Zubieni





Doane’s concert band was one of two collegiate bands invited to perform at the Nebraska Music Education Association’s 2023 convention. The band played in the Lied Center for Performing Arts in 林肯 on the morning of 11月. 17.